Adopt international best practices for business success

Adopt international best practices for business success

Published On - May 10, 2023

The process of locating and utilising concepts and tactics from other businesses and sectors in order to enhance performance in any given area is known as BEST practice. Best practice benchmarking has been employed by company throughout the years with billions of dollars in savings and revenues realized in all aspects of corporate operations and sales.

The “As-Is” best practice refers to or incorporates the current method used by the particular business, which intends to make the necessary adjustments to remain competitive with other leading businesses in its sector. Every functional department, including HR, Operations, Finance, and Maintenance, carries this out.

The best practices that are considered “to be” best practices are often those that already exist in the field and have been improved over time. The next-gen ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning solution is the best practice method used by major industries to streamline their businesses, which ultimately helps them to achieve business success. For the sake of their future success, all businesses should strive to adopt the best practices unique to their industry. Best practices include things like activity-based costing and preventive maintenance that has been integrated cleverly in all the latest ERP solution software.

“To be” best practices comprise some of the procedures that have already gained widespread acceptance and are regarded as industry norms for successfully running businesses in a cutthroat international environment.

The following are some examples of the best practices that can be used:

Information liquidity:

The liquidity of information is a gauge of an organization’s success. Data flows easily and information is converted into economic value in a successful business. Integrating processes and systems at all levels results in information liquidity. All ERP system design, methodology, development, and deployment should be driven by integration.


As most businesses become more and more reliant on ERP system, it is crucial to guarantee the highest level of eservices availability. This does not imply that all ERP systems must be completely faultless and infallible, but careful consideration must be given to any potential negative effects on the business.

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The market, as well as laws and technology, are always changing. The time it takes for products to develop and reach the market is reported to be increasing shorter and shorter. ERP systems must therefore be designed for optimum agility. The concepts to be thought about are cross-compatibility, reuse, and lightweight functionality.


The expenses of ERP systems are constantly being scrutinized, particularly during periods of economic slowdown. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to put the financial value of ERP advantages into perspective, and it is essentially pointless to look at ERP investments solely from the perspective of an accountant. The non-quantifiable advantages to the business must likewise be tied to these costs.

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