ERP Implementations | ERP Software | ERP Software Vendor

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What is the typical implementation time frame for ERP system?

Just like implementation costs, implementation time frames vary widely based upon size and sophistication of the organization. The most important element in how long it takes to implement an ERP system is the level of commitment on the part of the senior management of the organization which purchased the ERP system.

While there are number of reasons why ERP implementations take substantially longer than originally anticipated (‘scope creep’, data conversion issues, etc.), the single largest issue in implementation is the staff of the implementing organization spending the necessary time to actually make the implementation happen.

This is difficult because in most mid-sized companies, implementation activities are typically performed by people currently working for the organization that purchased the ERP software (as opposed to larger organizations which typically use external sources to augment their staff during an implementation).

In most of these mid-sized companies, these individuals are already working a solid week without the added requirements placed on their time by an ERP implementation. An ERP software vendor should, based upon experience, be able to tell you how much time your organization will need to spend during the implementation process and how long the entire process should take.