Ask the Experts | Industry Specific ERP Solutions | eresource

  • What are the common differences found in different ERP brands?

    Every ERP company offers its brand with different marketing strategies. Hence there could be significant differences in procedures, forms, looks, reporting structures, facilities, architecture, database designs, and also difference in prices for different ERP products. Since these products vary in their functional and technical efficiencies, it is crucial for the client side to decide which product to opt for huge investment.

    Of course, most of these products are based on common theory but different implementation experience at their clients. They are evolved from the state of small automation and planning software that was addressing a particular business process. Thus the strengths of these products are different in addressing various business processes.

    For example, one popular ERP brand is evolved from inventory management system. Hence, it is very strong in all materials transactions functionalities. Another brand is evolved from maintenance management system, which handles maintenance planning in a unique way with excellent efficiency. One brand is evolved from highly focused area of human resources management. Thus it is obvious to find different strengths and weakness in these products.

    It is recommended that the final decision about a suitable ERP system for your requirement should be left to the professionals who could evaluate the system in a theoretical and practical manner.

  • Is the Cloud ERP model faster and cheaper to deploy?

    Yes, it is absolutely correct that Cloud ERP model is much faster and easier to implement than a conventional ERP system. Having said that, companies must also remember that an ERP strategy still has to include comprehensive business process mapping, data cleansing, organizational change management, end-user training and a number of other activities to ensure your organization achieves the highest possible ROI.

    When considering the cost factor Cloud ERP could bring a big relief to organizations as the cost structure of cloud ERP is quite different than a conventional ERP system. With Cloud ERP companies can pay for yearly subscription for the system rather than paying one lump sum up-front.

    It is also an advantage for companies that when they choose the Cloud version of ERP application there will be no extra hardware requirement, no maintenance hassles, no investment and no need of an IT team to run the system. Over and above, Cloud ERP model allows the companies to choose the only modules they required with per user payment option. Another advantage eresource Cloud ERP model is it is also scalable.

  • How the case studies of ERP system has been made?

    Basically ERP case studies are carried by companies to promote their products and help prospective customers to study the various aspects of development and installation and usage of the ERP software.

    An ERP case study begins with a detailed understanding of the cost saving analysis, working of the company the various business processes which occur in a company, a detailed vendor evaluation process, requirement study, implementation process including the date wise steps and customization issues, and a final concluding study. Reputed companies conduct intense case studies and conclusions are translated into actions in their future ERP releases.

    ERP case studies can be based on companies which have had a successful ERP implementation or a failed implementation. Such case studies highlight the practical aspects of ERP implementation and enable people to learn and avoid mistakes committed earlier.

  • Can organizations succeed without ERP system?

    If an organization is very small in size, caters to the niche market and has very limited scope, then it can sometimes succeed without ERP system. But today’s organizations are becoming large and the products are becoming more and more complex in size, sophistication and technologies used. Also, a single group does not necessarily build the different components of a product.

    This is the era of multi-site, distributed production, where different groups situated in different parts of the world develop the components of a system. In such a scenario, managing the activities of an organization is a very complex task. If proper control mechanisms and procedures are not in place, very soon the operations can get out of control and products and organizations can fail.

  • Can a running ERP system be coupled with BI capabilities?

    Yes you can, but it is really a big challenge. Integrating BI (business intelligence) capabilities with ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems need a lot of planning. To succeed in the integration you should have an efficient and single ERP system working across your organization. The integration process can be even easier if the utilization of a single BI system within the organization.

    As it is a common knowledge that when you have fewer disparate systems to tie together, the easier the integration. Additionally, it helps to ensure that your master data and metadata definitions are homogeneous throughout the organization. It is also important to recognize that, while ERP systems provide a wealth of operational data, they do not paint a complete picture of your business. For this reason it’s important to ensure that the BI tools you choose can be readily integrated with your mission-critical systems.

  • Can ERP improve General Ledger capacity?

    Organizations find it difficult to combine the reporting applications, and many companies had to spend a lot of money to ensure the effectiveness of their external and internal reporting. Also slow execution makes the records disorganized. ERP becomes the best tool to reorganize this function by increasing the data quality, combining the fields included in the different databases of one program.

    Regarding the specific regulations and requirements related to the financial reporting ERP is the best solution to maintain company activities in order. It has the ability to represent the parallel financial reporting in several ledgers.

    With the implementation of an effective ERP system, compliance and transparency are guaranteed, and it also makes it easier to gather and report the valuation bases needed to settle more than one account. Through this integrated reporting application the accounting is a simpler task to complete.

  • Can all integrated applications be considered as ERP?

    Often some companies refer to what they have as an ERP system, and it might be something that was written in the 90s or even the 80s. This may be a combination of many applications with added-on functionality and other modifications. The outcome what they get is much less than what they have required. They must be encouraged to focus on adopting a dynamic plan that will enable them to implement an a full-fledged enterprise planning solution.

    Companies are advised to look for a fully integrated and non-redundant system, where they will see tangible productivity improvements and maybe even a miracle! Many a time some clients are using “ERP System” to refer to customer relationship management, product lifecycle management, supply chain management, business intelligence, and product lifecycle management. But it’s in the integration of all of those that you get to the nirvana where the ultimate productivity is.

  • What are the benefits of Supply Chain Management (SCM)?

    Supply Chain Management (SCM) can help you transform a traditional linear supply chain into an adaptive network with the following benefits.


    > With the increased visibility into the supply chain and adaptive supply chain network, you can be more responsive. You can sense and respond quickly to changes and quickly capitalize on new opportunities.

    > By offering a common information framework that supports communication and collaboration, SCM enables you to better adapt to and meet customer demands.

    > You can track and monitor compliance in areas as environment, health and safety.

    > Information transparency and real-time business intelligence can lead to shorter cash-to-cash cycle times. Reduced inventory levels and increased inventory turns across the network can lower overall costs.

    > With Supply Chain Management (SCM), you can lower operational expenses with timelier planning for procurement, manufacturing and transportation. Better order, product and execution tracking can lead to improvements in performance and quality – and lower costs. You can also improve margins through better coordination with business partners.

    > Tight connection with trading partners keep your supply chain aligned with current business strategies and priorities, improving your organization’s overall performance and achievement of goals.


  • Being a student, I would like to know more about Benefits of ERP

    Here is a quick look at the Benefits of ERP

    To say in short, ERP systems integrate all business management functions, including planning, inventory/materials management, engineering, order processing, manufacturing, purchasing, accounting and finance, human resources, and more.

    ERP software programs are being developed and updated all the time. There are different types of ERP software brands available in the market, but companies must choose the right ERP system to suit their needs. India’s leading web-based ERP solution provider eresource ERP even offer mobile capabilities so that you can always have a finger on the pulse of your business activities.

    The biggest advantage of an ERP system is with its real time capabilities and the ability to see what is going on with your company as it happens. It is handy when you deal with high volume of business process. With an ERP system, your company will never have inventory shortages or wasted time spent transferring files.

    An ERP system provides the solid operational backbone. The system enables the Manufacturers and distributors to function promptly, which will able to improve the volume of production and fulfillment of orders while reducing costs. By optimizing manufacturing and distribution operations with ERP, the companies are also be able to focus on new business opportunities.


    Here is a quick look at the benefits of ERP system has to offer:

    • Streamlining processes and workflows with a single integrated system.
    • Reduce redundant data entry and processes and in other hand it share information across the department.
    • Establish uniform processes that are based on recognized best business practices
    • Improved workflow and efficiency
    • Improved customer satisfaction based on improved on-time delivery,
    • increased quality, shortened delivery times
    • Reduced inventory costs resulting from better planning, tracking and forecasting of requirements
    • Turn collections faster based on better visibility into accounts and fewer billing and/or delivery errors
    • Decrease in vendor pricing by taking better advantage of quantity breaks and tracking vendor performance
    • Track actual costs of activities and perform activity based costing
    • Provide a consolidated picture of sales, inventory and receivables
  • Are better known companies the best choice when considering ERP implementation?

    ERP Implementation – Members of the implementing team that are going to be dedicated for your company during the implementation, are a key success factor to consider. Rather than concentrating on having a big name behind your implementation, we would suggest you get more details on the Consultants and their project management that are going to form the team of this implementing company.

    If small companies have good capabilities among them and seem to be up to their promises in the contract, then this would be satisfying.

    Sometimes big named companies would issue a sub contract to smaller implementing companies brought from Asia, but usually and for some reasons such implementations fail.

    Again, you might get excited during the discussions held, but nothing is going to be guaranteed if not documented in the contract.

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