Ask the Experts | Industry Specific ERP Solutions | eresource

  • Any particular industry has a greater benefit from an ERP implementation?

    Benefit from an ERP Implementation – Any company that builds a product; designs, sources keeps inventory, markets, and distributes needs an ERP system. It is difficult to pinpoint a business that doesn’t need ERP.

    For any business that has accounting, operations, and customer-facing applications, ERP has applicability across the board. What’s going to be more subjective is the depth of the solution. That’s going to be a function of what you can afford.

    Even having a cash register and cheque book can be referred as an ERP, if you want. Well, yes, but most companies are going to need something that’s more complex than that.

  • What are the advantages of HR module in ERP?

    HR Module in ERP – As you are aware that human resource is a fundamental part of the scheme of every successful organization. Information received and handled by this department needs to have a continuous follow-up and correct evaluation for the professional development and the social welfare of the workers.

    However, due to the large quantity of information that is handled in this department, it is becoming impossible to handle this task manually or by a legacy system which has its own drawbacks. ERP is represented like a useful tool to help and orient the users to focus their work in the direct relationship with the staff, and to link the personal skills and aspirations of the personnel related to the objectives and goals of the company.

    Through an ERP system it is possible to facilitate the centralized control and decentralized operation, which allows the leaders of the human resource area to focus on the strategic responsibilities of planning programs of personnel for development. Meanwhile, the operative activities are assumed and optimized by their own tool. By this way, an additional value is added.

    ERP is able to provide the management of the human resource area with an integrated solution to the different processes of these sections, which includes the planning, the administration of payroll, the professional development, work health and administration in general.

    It is also useful for decision making and analysis. The internal communication is an indispensable part of the daily tasks of the department, and therefore ERP is also prepared to provide a solution in this field.

    The implementation of ERP contributes to automate the processes, setting resources free to develop tasks of major interest and optimizing the different human resource processes.

  • What are some key areas in which ERP systems can yield additional cost savings?

    Describing it at a very high level, companies can address efficiency issues by increasing the amount of automation (usually by reducing spreadsheet use or keying/re-keying data); redefining processes to eliminate unnecessary steps or increase commonality; increasing their use of electronic data links to customers, suppliers or partners (or even within their organization if they have not done it already); replacing paper documents with scanned images; and saving time by having computers count the beans and letting people manage by exception.

    Increasing the use of end-to-end processes is one concrete way companies can use their ERP systems to increase efficiency. We found only half of the companies have implemented an order-to-cash process, even though it usually cuts the effort needed to manage transactions and shortens the cycle

  • Who are ERP Consultants? What is their role?

    ERP consultants are professionals who specialize in developing techniques and methodologies for dealing with the implementation and the various problems that will crop up during the implementation. They are experts in the administration, management and control of these types of projects.

    Each of them will have many man-years of implementation experience with various industries and have knowledge of time-tested methodologies and business practices that will ensure successful implementation. They will be good at all phases of the implementation life cycle right from package evaluation to end-user training.

    Consultants provide a wide variety of functions often filling in the gaps. Some of the positions that consultants can fill include project manager, team leader, team member, service representative and end-user. A consultant’s success depends upon a number of factors including computer literacy, conceptual, skills, software knowledge, industry knowledge, maturity, problem-solving capability, communication skills and organizational skills.

    The success of any particular consultant can vary tremendously from company to company and from situation to situation. Surprisingly, a consultant’s industry and software knowledge does not correlate strongly with his or her success or capability to help a company.

    Many cases have been identified where consultants lacking in software and industry knowledge who were able to consistently out-perform other consultants considered the most knowledgeable in software and industry. These consultants showed strong interpersonal communication skills, were self-starters requiring little or no training, had good computer literacy, problem-solving capability and conceptual skills.

    Many of the big consulting firms, having forecasted the ERP boom, invested a great deal of money in developing a range of consulting services in this field and assigned many of their professionals to become specialists in the various aspects of ERP packages and their implementation.

    These firms researched various products, developed an in-depth understanding of each product’s strengths and weaknesses, worked by the side of the ERP vendors, confirmed that the vendor’s package worked and learned the tricks and techniques of the trade, found out the pitfalls and mistakes that should be avoided and thus created a pool of experts who could handle the ERP implementation without failure.

  • Is developing an in-house ERP system expensive?

    This is a question that has been asked repeatedly because there is a misconception that an in-house developed ERP system will be not only less expensive but also more reliable.

    In fact the reality is something else. First of all, in-house development can be much more costly than it appears. Managing your own development team with their salaries and other perks, the downtime in user departments during all phases of development, and the opportunity cost of not putting developers on other worthy projects that would propel your business forward. The time it requires to extract meaningful data for executive analysis out of your database must also be included as a cost consideration.

    Then come the maintenance part. The maintenance of ERP system is time-intensive, slow, and fraught with undocumented functions. And remember the the cost of downtime when outages occur. The complexity of today’s computing environments only magnifies the difficulties and expense of implementing and maintaining an ERP system. Therefore it is better companies should avoid any plan to develop an ERP solution in-house that can bring only troubles and no benefit.

  • Why should I choose eresource for my ERP solution?

    The five main reasons to choose eresource ERP solution are:


    Automates all business and functional processes thereby increasing overall operational efficiency.


    eresource ERP solution help in enhancing internal business processes and enables organizations to improve customer satisfaction.


    Our web-based ERP solution enables easy accessibility and availability of timely information, which results in better decision making and forecasting.


    eresource ERP packages have a flexible and scalable structure thereby enabling organizations to adapt and cater to future business expansions and requirements.


    eresource ERP for Small and Medium Enterprises is affordable, quick to implement thus enabling the SMEs to focus on growth and improvement of their business rather than worrying about software.

    And over and above, eresource Infotech work with you jointly to deliver the most favorable ERP for your organization, to help you further maximize your return on the investment.

  • How long does it take to implement eresource ERP?

    eresource ERP – The Best ERP Software in India.

    We would like say on record that our implementation process is fastest in the world today. Our on-time implementation guarantees 100 percent go-live in just three months. We offer the services of experienced consulting and technical support teams, extensive implementation documentation, planning guides, customization services, and comprehensive training classes available on-line and on-site.

    eresource offers webinar to new customers, which designed to give them a solid foundation for their implementation. It also gives an insight into the functionalities and implementation process of eresource ERP.

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