Ask the Experts | Industry Specific ERP Solutions | eresource

  • How to succeed in ERP implementation?

    ERP implementation – An ERP implementation can be categorized in two ways. One is implementing it for the first time and the other one is updating the existing system. The first one takes more time as proper research and preparation is to be done. Also the employees who will be working in the new system has to be trained in appropriate manner so that the system can be handled correctly.

    The second method of upgrading the existing system usually takes less time than the first time implementation. Despite this, both phases take place at different times and require different levels of difficulty. Having to face the second stage is not a sign of failure, but a chance of improving the functionality of the system. We must realize that organizations need to incorporate ERP more and more on every day basis. As the market is changing every day there is also growing competition among organizations. Everyone is competing to match with requirement of global market.

  • How to select the right ERP system?

    Firstly you must determine your requirement and discuss and chart out extensively with your ERP consultants or vendors. Always ask for a demonstration of the system. You can request possible addition, deletion and modifications that are required to run your business effectively. The technical assistance from the vendor company can also help you with finding better solutions to iron out your concerns, if any.

  • How to prevent computer crimes by employees?

    There are several ways in which an authorized user of a computer, such as an employee using the company’s computer, can accomplish unauthorized and illegal objectives.

    Here are some tips to prevent it.


        >> It is common to request three references when interviewing a potential employee: however, many employers never check these out. It is vital to call former employers and get their assessment of the candidate’s history.

    Notice period

        >> When firing an employee, it is common practice to give him two weeks’ notice so he can begin looking for another job. In a computer-related field though, this gives him two weeks to sabotage data, as well as copy data to sell to a competitor. If an employee is fired, have a security guard watch him clean out his desk and then escort him to the door. This may mean giving him two weeks’ pay for doing nothing but this is better than letting him stay around the office and potentially cause millions of rupees in damage through sabotage.

    Keep employee lists up-to-date

        >> Security guards get used to seeing the same faces every day and may let a former employee into an unauthorized (or formerly authorized) area because they think he still works there. It is important that security be kept up-to-date on this kind of personal change.

    Access restrictions

        >> Make sure that access to crucial data such as grades and payroll data is limited to those who must have it.

  • How to measure ERP performance?

    There are innumerable means of evaluating ERP performance. Each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages. There is no hard and fast rule as far as the appropriate method to be used is concerned. However, the organizations must decide and stick to one particular method, which must be put in use uniformly.

    It is usually recommended to execute it midway through the ERP implementation. The next appraisal shall take place when the process is nearing completion. After ERP begins to operate the assessment shall take place within the time gap of 3, 6 and 12 months. These appraisals must be done on the basis of some set criteria. If these steps are not followed then the likelihood of the ERP’s success is limited.

    The frequency of assessment depends on many factors such as the volume of business, ability to adapt to change and the characteristics features of the software that is in use. The performance assessment will not serve the purpose if these determinants are not taken into account. Besides, any other measure deemed to result in the benefit of ERP should be accounted for.

  • How to make ERP software implementation successful?

    ERP software implementation is an important part after the ERP installation. There are various things you can do to make the implementation of an ERP system successful.

    Following are the important ways that will help you to implement ERP successfully :

    >> Training is the main part under ERP Software implementation. Prepare a real training schedule and ensure that the users get sufficient amount of training to get familiar with the system.

    >> Ensure that while migrating or transferring the data, you give sufficient time and ample resources to handle the data migration.

    >> Also ensure all possible sources of data that you have to migrate to is properly identified. This will help in smooth flow of business activities. The old or stale information should be brushed out and not relocated.

    >> Short down your competitors to a few top competitors. This has to be done after thorough evaluation of different ERP vendors. Also, the ERP vendor should be ready to share about the training, time spent on project, resource allotment, etc. And enable you to judge how sensible they are.

    >> Keep some probability of increased budget while implementing ERP. Have a flexible budget as the cost of implementing the system may vary.

    >> Don’t forget to involve the end user in the process. They will gain sharp observation as well as they will have a important part in the implementation phase

    >> Last but not the least, do not purchase more ERP than you require on the assumption that you’ll develop into it and don’t aim to manage with a bundle that doesn’t address your issues. While it’s vital to have headroom to develop in your ERP system, it’s similarly important not to overbuy. Instead, search for an item more suitable to your business needs.


  • How to Implement a Strong ERP Program

    ERP Venture – Time is a most critical components in executing a fruitful ERP framework. Regardless of the amount you spend for planning to implement ERP, there never seems enough of it.

    In making arrangements for an ERP establishment, how much time you distribute and how you split it up are basic factors in getting a fruitful execution. An excessively idealistic schedule can fate a venture before it begins.

    Sadly, a reasonable timetable for an ERP task can be exceptionally hard to build. A few sections of the task, eminently necessities arrangement, process planning and testing, can be absolutely hard to evaluate. Since these are real parts of the enterprise project, getting any of them wrong can toss your whole timetable.

    One thing that aides in arranging and booking an ERP venture is involvement. The more tasks you involved into, the more experience is gained.

    This is one place where an accomplished advisor can pay huge profits. You most likely don’t have much experience actualizing ERP ventures, yet your specialist ought to have enough of it. Work intimately with your expert when you are booking and setting courses of events for your ERP try.

    The prerequisites period of the venture as a rule happens before the genuine booking happens. Here the accentuation is on fulfillment as opposed to the time it takes. It is imperative to take care of business instead of to meet some manufactured schedule.

    Process investigation and improvement, then again, should be booked precisely. The main thing you can make certain of in this piece of the usage is that it will take longer than it shows up at first glance. Plan this exertion deliberately and ensure you give enough time for it. Keep in mind the procedure investigation is in some part iterative and you may need to adjust a procedure a few times to take care of business.

    Be particularly careful about attempting to get back on plan by compromising in the test stage. It just gets you inconvenience over the long haul and will foul up your take off endeavors.

    Obviously you can set up any timetable you like for actualizing your ERP venture, however that doesn’t mean every single conceivable calendar are functional. It’s critical that you begin with a practical timetable while actualizing an ERP venture.

  • How to get prepared for an ERP implementation?

    When you have decided about going for an ERP implementation, the first step is to select an appropriate ERP system for your business operations. For this, some kind of evaluation must be done on different ERP systems, that are available for your type of industry. There are very effective industry-specific exclusive ERP systems available easily within your budget. eresource provides exclusive system for every industrial verticals.

    Everyone in the company must get ready for a change of working system once a new system being introduced. ERP being a integrated system that helps automation of every process, there going to be some changes the way the employees used to work.

    Though everyone in the organization will be trained properly to handle the system, it is the responsibility of the users to use the system efficiently and take the advantages.

  • How to get more Return On Investment (ROI) from ERP

    A brand new ERP framework can help diminish working expenses by automating manual procedures, expanding efficiency, and giving standard appearance that already must have been acquired independently. The ROI of new ERP endeavors to figure both the investment funds and also the expanded gaining potential the new ERP framework will give the organization.

    In spite of the fact that numerous associations invest tremendous energy and cash exploring, breaking down and regulating an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) purchase, they scarcely invest moment to investigate whether the application performs acceptably and gives the required yield.

    Measuring the advantages you get on your new ERP framework incorporates decrease in cost, enhanced openings, and even enhanced employee and consumer loyalty.

    Methods to reach for a better ROI

    1. Try to visualize something elevated, such as delivering better business process by implementing equivalent ERP which will take your business one step ahead.

    2. You need to recall that you will never accomplish your normal business objectives and ROI in if you don’t live through your ERP. Setting reasonable desires is the initial move toward a ROI-driven and effective ERP implementation.

    3. Effective ERP implementer knows where the end goal is. But due to inadequate time period, low budget allocation, and untrained resources , organization often end up quitting their goal at early stage.

    4. Emphasize on a long term agreement between your business and ERP framework.

    While achievement and benefits are not fully assured, this will ensure that you are one out of couple of organization that accomplishes something other than just executing the ERP software solution. You will be one that really convey on-time services to customers, while understanding the business advantages and ROI that you’ve been expected from the start.

  • How could we convince our manager to implement an ERP system?

    When you think it is the right time that your organization must implement an ERP system and your manager can’t decide as he is not sure about the advantages, first you need to make strong opinion among your internal personnel in favour of implementing an ERP system. You also need to do some homework and prepare a list of pros and cons from the point of view of each member of your management team.

    After this you should talk to each member of management team as well as all head of department one on one and understand their opinion while introducing your proposal. This way you may select management members who are in favor of an ERP. After this step, plan the next step of internal presentation first by yourself and then from a third party who are well-versed with your industry-specific needs. You may also arrange a third party presentation separately for the members in favour, before the presentation for the deciding authorities from the high level management team. You may make any further changes in your presentation as per the opinion collected from the members in favour before the final presentation to the deciding authorities.

    Final presentation must consists of details of advantages and disadvantages of an ERP system, evaluated ERP solutions for your industry, figures in form of estimated time, benefitted users, cost savings, cost of ERP software and implementation cost etc. The presentation should be made effective and your proposal must be fool proof. We feel you will definitely succeed in your mission if you could plan the above strategies in rightful manner and present it well to your deciding authorities. We can assure you that your managers will get fully convinced about the benefit of an ERP system, which obviously help them to implement the system without any doubt.

  • How to choose the right ERP?

    The foremost thing to understand about the ERP is that it is not a common software that can be used as any other software. As the ERP system consists of a revolution that involves every internal process, it must be preceded by a hard reevaluation of every department together with their functions, and the way they make decisions.

    It is also to be understood that an ERP will not change the management functioning on its own. ERP is an important and decisive tool, but in order to obtain the desired results it is also important who will be commanding it as well as the way in which the data will be saved and how information will flow.

    It is better that you assign an external consultant to evaluate a suitable ERP for your organization. The consultants are capable of evaluating the ERP system with functionality of your organizations in mind. They will also identify the effective needs of the moment. On the other hand, they focus on keeping intact the culture of the organization in order to avoid the chances of collision.

    You also must take into the account the investment you are planning to make in an ERP system with its benefit equation. As the ERP is a system consists of many modules, price to be observed on the basis of total package until it is divided into several module units. The cost of implementation and even the chance of discounts when purchasing new versions are also to be taken into account.

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