Challenges faced by Pharmaceutical Companies | ERP for Pharmaceutical

ERP addresses challenges faced by Pharmaceutical Companies

Published On - April 18, 2019

ERP addresses challenges faced by Pharmaceutical companies

Pharmaceutical companies in India have lately started realizing the importance of having an ERP system implemented in their organizations to address both their information and regulatory needs. These requirements helped improve product and process understanding. Challenges faced by pharmaceutical companies are best addressed by integrated approaches offered by ERP systems which not only provide better control over their business processes, but also help them in manufacturing products as per cGMP requirements.

ERP products like web-based eresource ERP system provides full services for pharmaceutical products like vitamins, natural health and dietary supplement from raw materials to finished products. eresource has been recognized as a “one stop service provider” among its customers because it offers a complete range of services ranging from supply of raw material, production, manufacturing and packing etc.

Many companies used to work on spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel for keeping data to run the business which consisted of manufacturing hundreds of products. This method not only resulted a lot of time wasting but also caused lot of hardship in maintaining raw material inventory and in maintenance of records of lot numbers used in the finished products.

This working hassles prompted pharmaceutical companies to look a system that will improve their business process and also could fetch a respectful return on their investment. Many companies have found the right answer to their problem in the ERP system which would provide real time access to all their business activities. Success stories of these companies are also attribute success story of ERP solution provider like eresource ERP.

The main advantage with a web-based ERP is information sharing. It is very important that organizations must provide customers, employees, suppliers, distributors and numerous other parties with the information they need, when they need it. As a result, business systems and processes can no longer remain isolated and disparate. Business success now requires better performance from easier application integration.

ERP System like eresource shares information internally and externally through Web applications, business-to-business (B2B) exchanges and value-added networks. These exchanges and transactions are be real-time, on-line and immediate – i.e. conducted anytime, anywhere and without compromise to security or transaction integrity.

Through the use of Web enabled services, the cycle time between buying and replenishment can be greatly reduced and the potential for errors virtually eliminated.

Also Read – ERP System for Construction Industry


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