ERP’s MRP | ERP's Material Requirements Planning | ERP's MRP Module

eresource ERP’s MRP, a module that gives crystal clear picture

Published On - April 23, 2019

ERP Finance Module for any growing business enterprises it is important to have a reliable and user-friendly ERP system with a genuine MRP module. eresource ERP’s Material Requirements Planning can organize, schedule and reschedule materials as far into the future as required.

eresource ERP’s MRP gives you an instant picture of projected inventory investment levels, as well as projected new purchases in accordance with your plan. Projections can be made on any MRP cycle. This provides an added dimension of visibility for directing the planning focus on the most significant areas of your investment. This also helps you to validate a plan financially and make swift adjustments before committing your cash.

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Some of the most important components of MRP modules are described here under:

Purchase Management

Purchase Management is a very important component of the materials management module. This module is fully integrated with other modules in the system. It supports all phases of materials management, materials planning and control, purchasing goods receiving, inventory management and invoice verification. Good communication between all participants in the procurement process is necessary for purchase management to function smoothly. Purchase management communicates with other modules in the system to ensure a constant flow of information. It works side by side with Finance and Sales & Distribution management modules.

Inventory Management

Inventory Management system allow you to manage your stocks on a quantity and value basis and plan, enter, and check any goods movements and carry out physical inventory. In the inventory management system the physical stock reflect all transactions resulting in a change in stock and thus, in updated inventory levels. The user can easily obtain an overview of the current stocks of any given material. For each material, not only are the stocks in the warehouse shown, but also the stocks ordered but not yet delivered, reserved for production or for a customer, and the stocks in quality inspection can be monitored.

If a further sub-division by lots is required for a material, one batch per lot is possible. The batches are then managed individually in the stock. Special stocks from the vendor or from the customer are managed separately from your company’s own stock.

The aim of the eresource ERP’s Material Requirements Planning (MRP) document is to supply information that will enable the company to have enough inventory on hand to fulfill demand. eresource ERP’s MRP module can provide the basic needs of keeping inventory levels low and fulfilling customer expectations for on time delivery.

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