Web-based ERP System | Web-enabled ERP System | eresource ERP

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How has the power of ERP improved using the Internet?

The value from the ERP investment can be enhanced by taking advantages of a web-based ERP system for your organization. When you make your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution a Web-based interface system, the Internet becomes an enterprise information utility for employees, partners, suppliers and customers.

With the facilitation of an ERP system to a Web-enabled system, all participants – engineering and product design, vendors and suppliers, manufacturing, sales and marketing, distributors and customers – can gain access to the system when they need it for their mutual benefit.

For instance, a retailer can use its ERP system to adjust its charges for shelf space and to better manage inventory levels. Product designers, both for manufacturing and service companies can capture customer information in real-time, refining their products for greater market appeal or customizing them for key customers. In a financial services company, a product designer can capture information about customers’ investment habits, which will help to develop new investment packages. By making the ERP system a Web-enabled interface, you can integrate the supply chain, speeding time to market and gaining manufacturing efficiencies.