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Is ERP implementation an expensive and time-consuming exercise?

In the early years of ERP, the implementation process took more time. In some cases the implantation took years to complete and involved a huge financial investment by the companies. However, with the changing technology scenario the implementation of ERP system also become an easy process. Now the web-based ERP solution such as eresource could complete the implementation within a short period under its guaranteed on-time implementation method.

Nowadays the ERP system software has become much cheaper and affordable to any kind of organization within their limited budget. The affordable eresource ERP solution has helped many smaller companies go for ERP solution and started benefiting from its effectiveness in a big way.

Having said that, we would also like to remind all the companies that would be planning an ERP implementation must be careful in their selection of the right ERP solution. An ERP system can also bring negative result due to poor selection process or a poor ERP implementation.