Should SMEs implement ERP System | ERP for SMEs | eresource ERP

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Should SMEs implement ERP system?

Should SMEs implement ERP?

Every business now has the opportunity to take advantage of the internet’s geographical reach and potential for profit. Thus, the Internet has made it possible for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to compete effectively with the larger organizations. The enabling potential of the Internet guarantees that SMEs are appropriately represented and active participants in the globalized marketplace.

Today’s web-based ERP solutions provide SMEs with a technology solution having all the functionality and benefits with minimal investment and risk.

By not making the transition to this new way of doing business with the help of an effective ERP system, small firms run a serious risk of becoming less competitive, affecting both their present market positions and long-term viability. As larger companies integrate ERP and e-commerce into their business, small firms run the risk of being excluded if they are unable to establish strong e-commerce ties with others in their supply chains.